Access Control System
Access control is a system which enables you to control authority of who has access to certain areas to your building. Within the field of physical security, an access control system in the physical structure of security is normally seen as the second layer.
Every business and organisation in the world has assets and information that require protection. Another key issue is the protection of business’ staff and property. A lock on a car door or a PIN on an ATM system are various forms of access control. The inconvenience and expense of changing locks if keys get lost means a waste of time and money. This can also create even more security risks as keys can be copied very easily.
Many buildings are secured by locks and keys which mean that doors are left unlocked for most of the day. This can lead to possible theft or crime and the cause of malicious damage, but with the use of an access control system, these theft possibilities can be restricted and will also provide a safer working environment.
You will never have to change a lock again when installing an access control system. It provides the most efficient way of securing your building and assets. The use of Access cards or fobs will enable a business to give access to staff through controlled doors. If a Access cards or fob is lost, stolen, or not returned, and then these can all be barred therefore maintaining the level of security.
The access control system will automatically lock all the doors controlled by the system, once the system has been installed. Only people with a PIN or Card or Bio Metric authority to access will be able to enter through controlled doors within the access control system.

Flexible control over users’ access rights is a method of restricting access to staff that doesn’t require access to certain areas of the building. Also, access may be restricted by time, only allowing access to particular users at certain times of day or night. This is also useful for contractors as an expiry date can be set so that the card/fob will not work after a certain time period.
One or many doors within a building can be controlled by a Network of Controllers or multiple controllers in multiple remote sites can be monitored and controlled from any part of the world through internet.
There are various readers available for different working environments and buildings to meet your needs and requirements. Such as the proximity/smart card reader, as the name implies a card or fob has to brought in proximity as specified to the reader to enable reading and initiating actions such as opening doors or barriers for people or vehicles. Bio Metric Readers use a part of the body as proof of authentication such as , Finger Print, Retina, Palm or Face Detection instead of a card or fob.
Access Control Software can generate reports to see which individuals went where within the building, and also reports the time these events happened. Additional buildings can be controlled by this type of system via an existing LAN/WAN.
The software used in access control systems are designed to feel familiar to any Windows user. Access control privileges and reports on users are some of the features that the access control software offer. Different permission levels are available to select to restrict access to certain areas. A login and password must be entered to be able to use the software to manage the access control.
Access control software is designed to be intuitive to use and all but the most complex functions can be performed easily and without training.
We believe that access control system provide more protection when integrated with CCTV. Operators can verify persons that are authorised to enter a secure area, which will provide a greater level of security for your business property and assets. Real-time images or access control methods such as proximity cards are ways in which users can be granted access through secured doors.
Alarmed doors can be linked to the access control system with a camera viewing the door so that in the event of an alarm being activated the access control will store the alarm and the image of the person that caused the alarm will be displayed automatically on the screen providing seamless integration.